l e c t o r i a l | w e e k 4
This week’s lectorial had us look at the fundamentals of becoming professionals in the Media Industry.
Brian referenced various articles and quotes from those who had turned their passions into careers, like an ex-media communications student who had turned their blogging rituals from this course into a profession; reviewing movies they had seen.
The importance of blogging was reiterated and it’s importance defined; blogging helps form a routine of reflection and helps us to learn how to explain our ideas.
As someone who writes on occasion, I’ve always found it difficult to do something creative when I’m being told to.
We were shown a video by Cal Newport, focusing on deep work, success, productivity and work-life balance.
Cal spoke intently of passion and how one comes upon it, stating that there is very little evidence stating that we begin with a passion in life and then follow suit.
He stated that evidence we do have actually supports the opposite.
An example was given, akin to my experiences of undertaking piano lessons – someone takes piano lessons and their teacher happens to be a pleasant person who makes learning enjoyable, even though it may be somewhat difficult.
The apprentice comes back for another lesson and continues to play and then slowly realises that they are a little bit better than someone else.
This increases their drive and pushes them to continue to practice.
More time passes and they continue to grow stronger at the art and the gap widens.
Their motivation and passion increases with the positive affirmation and soon they reach world class status.
The pupil did not begin with this level of motivation but instead acquired it as they steadily progressed.
For me, the opposite occurred; my teachers were unenthusiastic and bland.
I had talent but I wasn’t in an inspiring environment. I am therefore, not a concert pianist.
The talk perfectly articulated how I felt about passion and have discussed at length with many friends over the course of the years.
So many people I know struggle with the ideas of following their passions and dreams, wondering what they should be doing with their time and how do they know if they’re on the right track.
It seems fairly simple when it’s laid out in a video for us – find something you’re good at and work hard at honing those skills and opportunities may very well arise.