Similarly to my last post, I discovered that I have a fixation with movement, light and architecture.
They’re broad topics of exploration but I like the idea of starting out in this capacity and then allowing myself to narrow down my area of noticing to a smaller pool over the course of the studio.

I do wonder why it is that I notice the things that I do. I wonder why I am attracted to light and certain light too. Usually light being reflected in pools of water, creaking through doors, cracks or light leaks.

The way I was collecting my media was made easier by the fact that I used alarms to prompt my noticing, rather than relying solely on myself to remember to notice – which I find difficult in the early stages of learning.
The alarms alerted me to my surrounds and it’s almost as though I kicked into gear and my process of selection and elimination took over and my instincs decided what was worth and what was not.
I would like to continue working with alarms even as I grow more accustomed to noticing as the set moments during the day, regardless of where I am will serve as an interesting element to the media project – what will I find that will catch my eye?
– I may be in class, in a sterile environment and find a sliver of light particularly interesting as my alarm goes off – who knows.

Overall, I was satisfied with my findings and I’d like to begin forming a narrative with the work through the use of video as a study to help incorporate motion into my work.