Kyla Brettle ran the radio show this week in our lectorial.
Having worked in radio production, she was a sound guru.

You can always get a sense of someone who works in a particular discipline (sometimes).
It was clear after Kyla’s introduction that she worked in radio.
She was eloquent, succinct and because of the nature of her work, audio documentaries and voice production and background in music, she was well and truly ‘in tune’.

Kyla showed us various recordings, each resonated in their own way, all very personal.
A women recounted a traumatic experience, a recording of the development of the same voice as a baby, through to a young adult ‘discovering boys’, sound bytes of ‘um’s’ organised to create a motif.
One of the more visceral of her examples was the dismembering of a chicken – gross but interesting.

She named the types of shots that she creates to bring a visual element to her audio work; spot and tracking shots, transitions, trail-offs,  reverbs, the speed in which sound is captured or manipulated and mixed, the way in which she organises her atmosphere in order to evoke feelings in her listeners.

Kyla informed us all that Brian was unable to make our session today because of their unwell child.
Hope your little bubba feels better soon.