Show and tell of past student examples were shown in class.
I enjoyed the lengths at which people were willing to go to relay who they were within the boundaries of the exercise.
They were simple exercises but I think that’s why I found it such a challenge – in such a small amount of time, with static shots, to tell you who I am.

I felt that my gathered imagery and footage were very abstract and I was at risk of being ‘that girl’ in the class; attempting to step outside the box and use symbolism and who expected you to read between the lines and let the rhythm take you..
Not quite.
Truth be told, I hadn’t had a lot of time to collate footage and had had a very taxing week with work and other projects due that I wasn’t and still am not at ease with what I have created but I take comfort in knowing that it’s not what I am capable of doing and that I am capable of much better.

It was great to finally use the software and formulate some sort of narrative that I hope to evolve as time progresses.
I found the exercise itself was a great starting point, looking inward, which for many people, may have not been something they had done before.
What is it that really makes you you..

I can’t say that I was particularly surprised with what I’ve come up with.
As a portrait photographer I found the real challenge was not to focus on a person, as I base the entire foundation of my work on people.

Looking forward to see what abstraction I manage to piece together.