PB2 dilemma

It was difficult for me to choose a music video to analyse for PB2 because I know a lot of beautiful, creative videos that I would like to share with the class. My main choices were “Intoxicated” by Martin Solveig , “Strawberry Swing” by Coldplay  and a Russian song “Экспонат” (Eksponat, rus. exhibit, a piece of art) by ” Ленинград” (Leningrad). The first one appealed to me with its masterly visual representations of the song: although neither the lyrics or the video made sense, it just went well together and high lightened the song’s mood. “Strawberry Swing” stood out with its unusual creative solution for the slow motion: the whole video was filmed at one place with a locked camera, while artists draw and erased multiple chalk paintings on the asphalt.  They managed to make it look so believable and mesmerising, that by the end you forget its all just pictures. Lastly, the video I ended up choosing,  “Eksponat”, struck me with a distinct narrative and a storyline, which is highly unusual for a music video. As discussed in “Telling And Not Telling”, most music videos are “afraid” of using narrative, fearing that it will steal the spotlight from the song. “Eksponat”, on the other side, takes narrative to another level, pausing the song for the characters to say their dialogues. I found it intriguing and unique and that was what motivated me to choose this song for the presentation.

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