Today we started off the class by watching peoples street art videos which they had completed. I was rather impressed by some of them and thought about whether the footage which I captured with Louise and Jasmijn at Hosier Lane was going to live up to the same standards as these clips had. Eek! I still haven’t managed to do the edit on my street art video unfortunately. Too many other things which are holding higher priority have been piling up around me at the moment for me to work on my clip.
After watching the street art clips was spent talking about copyrights when filmmaking, making sure we have the right to use different media materials in our videos. We also spoke about making sure that we correctly fill out personal and location release forms when dealing with other people and their properties in films which we have created as RMIT students. We also were informed of ‘Risk Management Safety Reports’ which was a foreign concept to me at first. Now I know all about them! It’s basically just a list of possible hazards / risks which need to be considered for any particular film-shoot at any given location. Once the risks are listed, you must state the location which the risk may occur, and how you’ll deal to the situation. This is so that all crew members can refer to this sheet if anything were to go wrong. This is to that no one makes a different choice from what’s already set and therefore, will not get into any trouble for doing the wrong thing to help.
As I had serious setbacks with brief #2 due to my last minute artist fall-through that occurred, Louise granted me an extension for brief #3 which will be really helpful as I was a little concerned I’d not have enough to present for it at this stage.
Today in class we had a social media strategist come in to explain ways of getting our artist profiles off the ground and seen by people. This was interesting, but we sort of just talked about social media elements which I’m already pretty familiar with. Perhaps other members of the class are not so familiar and it would have been good for them to learn about different ways to approach using social media for publicity. We went over use of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Vine etc. and discussed using hashtags and ‘buzzwords’ for the publicity pieces.
a word or phrase, often an item of jargon, that is fashionable at a particular time or in a particular context.“the latest buzzword in international travel is ‘ecotourism’”
After this mini-lecture, as a class we had a group talk and decided that we’d create a website and an Instagram account for our artist profiles which is pretty exciting!