While I was on the bus today, I realised that it could be interesting to film the motion of the bus and possibly team it up with the skateboarding clips (or possibly the cycling/rollerblading if I decide I want to look at those too). Where I’d switch between similar shots, maybe POV, but of the very different modes of transport. To show a contrast, yet enforcing that they are both valid ways of transporting oneself via wheels.
As I am very busy with both work and uni, I can actually get some of this filming done on my way to both of these commitments. At this stage it’s important that I utilise my time well as I feel I will fall behind if I don’t take advantage of these moments that I have which can aid to my final work(s).
Arranging times to film will prove a little difficult as well, as I am either at work when my friends who skate areĀ free or my friends are often at work, band practice or recording. I’m hoping that there will be a day where we are all free to film, soon! I don’t want to end up in a position where I am panicking about getting all of this done on time.
I’ve been trying to find some readings which are relevant to my work from the RMIT library, possibly about contrasting shots in the editing process. It’s proving kind of difficult, I feel like maybe some video research of people discussing and explaining ways of filming skateboarding and also someone discussing editing contrast/parallel choices might be something I could look for…
Very excited to get this all underway, I look forward to working with my friends in the filming process as they’re interesting people and will probably have some good ideas to contribute to the project.