This week, Rob and I have been assigned the weekly update task. This means we will be documenting the happenings in our class for the week and presenting this information in a 1 minute video for the rest of our media school to see what we’ve been up to in this studio (video will be linked at the end of this post).


Today we worked in a different room which was quite strange. The room was a lot smaller and we had a lot of equipment to use in this instance. Cameras and lights! Today’s class was focused on trialling three-point lighting when filming for an interview. Despite being extremely confused about which light went where and why for quite some time, once I got the gist of why certain lights needed to be in certain places, I was able to work in getting a nice clean shot of the interviewee (/classmate). The lights which we used are LED lights (which you can put tungsten filters on) and dedo lights.


LED Light Panels


Dedo Lighting

The three-points of lighting are the key light, fill light and back light. Key Lighting is usually at 70-100% brightness, fill lighting which is at 50% brightness, and backlighting which is usually at 5% brightness. This allows for appropriate contouring of the subject’s features.

I find this video helpful when needing to recap on the lighting techniques which we were taught in today’s class, you may too.


Today, one of Louise’s old work colleagues, Jenny O’Meara, came to speak to our class about the work she’s done in the media industry and to help with feedback on our artist pitches which we compiled. Below is one of the short documentaries which Jenny made about a body painting artist, Emma Hack, who painted the bodies in Gotye’s music video to ‘Somebody That I Used to Know’.


Thankfully, my artist pitch seemed to get good feedback, but it was definitely too long. I’m also not really certain what’s going on with my artist at the moment as I have been trying to arrange a time for us to meet, but he’s not really cooperating in order to do so, at the moment. Hopefully things will smooth out and he’ll get in touch with me soon.

Here’s this week’s update which Rob and I compiled
Narration and filming – Dusty
Narration and editing – Rob


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