Today we’ve been assigned our artists which we will be making video profiles on. My artist is Nikos Pantazapolous. I’m really excited about this project and upon looking at the work he has on his website, really excited to get to know more about it!
I missed today’s class as I was coming back from a trip in Sydney to see my friends who are touring with their band. It was meant to be a trip where my friend and I were going to film their gig that we went to, but our flight got delayed and we missed the support acts and half of their set. So that fell through entirely, which was a major bummer!
So far I’ve created a little bio as research on Nikos to get the ball rolling and make up for the time I lost missing today’s class. Next class I’ll be thinking about and noting down initial questions I can ask him about his practice.
Today’s class time was spent conducting vox-pops among random passers-by about ‘graffiti’ and/or ‘street art’. We set out three questions which we asked people at random. As I mentioned in my previous post, I really don’t like conducting vox-pops with people off the street, I find it invasive and awkward. However, it definitely pushed me a little further out of my comfort zone. Which is something that I’m working on this semester!
Here’s our studio’s weekly update: