In this clip, I’ve kept the sounds which come from this low-angle long/mid shot. Yet, I’ve edited it so that both the motion of the ‘ollie’ and its sound are repeated. Giving a rhythmic score to the shot, as well as pushing away from the typical way that a trick may be shown – in slow-mo perhaps? However, this edit is used to create a sound rhythm and is not teamed with your classic musical number (by a band) which would normally be put with a “skate video.”

In this second clip, I have had a similar approach. But the movement is also reversed and played forward several times before releasing to continue on down the hill. This morphs the motion’s sound as it’s played backward and because it’s a short movement – the sound is more frantic.

Capturing the movement in this shot was handheld and the GoPro was used to shoot with. I was happy with the smoothness of the shot, as well as the way the pace is captured appropriately. I really love the timing of Louis T’s foot pushing the board when his feet are central of the frame – the focus is on the feet and how they are controlling the movement of the wheels down the hill.

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