Stay Classy, Melbourne

Author dominichaley

Semester Review: Exploding Genre

With the semester coming to an end, it’s time to wrap up a great studio and finish up our final projects: the last pieces needed to complete our goal of exploding genre to smithereens. The studio has been made up… Continue Reading →

Week 11: Cabin in the Woods

What a phenomenal film!!! The Cabin in the Woods(Drew Goddard, 2012) is an extremely surprising film as it begins conventionally with 5 college students going to a secluded cabin which ends up being an experimental scenario for the students who… Continue Reading →

The Action Sequence + Draft Script

Week 10 brought with it the screening of Ronin (1998, d. John Frankenheimer), and the questions What is action cinema? Is it just mindless entertainment? What can it do?   Action cinema traditionally follows the story of a resourceful protagonist… Continue Reading →

The Bottle-Drama

In week 9, we exploded genre by deciphering the ‘bottle-drama’ and discussing whether it can in fact be classified as a genre or not. We watched a bottle episode of Community and the film Coherence(James Ward Byrkit, 2013) We answered a number of… Continue Reading →

Film Noir and Brainstorming

This week, our class dissected the genre of film noir, and argued as to whether it really is a genre or not. The film The Killers(Robert Siodmak, 1946) displayed many of the conventions linked with film noir, specifically the lighting… Continue Reading →

Mid-Semester Critiques and Vampire Flicks

Week 7 brought with it our mid-semester critiques, in which each student must present their achievements and goals so far this semester to a panel of tutors for feedback! The critiques proved very insightful for my PB3, as I was… Continue Reading →

Exploding Genre: The Musical, One Night The Moon

In Week 6, the class broke down  the musical genre, and watched the film One Night The Moon(2001, Rachel Perkins) along with snippets from some other musicals. While in groups, we looked at how quickly songs can advance the plot… Continue Reading →

Exploding Genre: Week 5, Berberian Sound Studio

In week 5, we explored the genre of horror, taking an in-depth look at the film Berberian Sound Studio(2012, Peter Strickland). The film was based around the story of a sound engineer named Gilderoy who begins working at a studio…. Continue Reading →

Sci-Fi Genre and Sketch

On week 4’s agenda was the genre sci-fi, fitting as that is the genre I picked for my second project brief. In my sketch and exegeses I look at how science fiction has evolved from being maligned in the classical Hollywood period… Continue Reading →

Romantic Comedy

Romantic comedy, also known as “rom-com”, is a genre in where the development of a romance leads to comic situations. Since all it says on the tin is “love” and “laughs”, the genre provides large meadows for the screenwriters to frolic… Continue Reading →

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