In the media 1 practical this week, me and my fellow students were introduced to two pieces of equipment. One was a zoom sound recorder and the other a video camera. We were given a set of instructions and asked to first take a number of different shots with the camera followed by collecting various sounds with the recorder. These tasks enabled us to learn how each piece of equipment worked and how they should be used to collect footage. With the sound recorder, I learnt how to move footage from the device with a cord connecting to my computers UCB port as well as the dials controlling how sound is collected(we used XY stereo mode). When using the camera, we first looked at how each lever on the tripod worked and then were taught what tilting, zooming, panning and tracking were. We took a handheld shot, a panning shot, a tilting shot and a clip without movement of two people meeting and greeting in an alley. The shot without camera movement which I took below can be seen below.