In the tute we screened a short film called Rolling – a film made in Film-TV1 a few years ago.
I found that Rolling’s strongest points were the simplicity of the plot and the performance of the leading actor. The film’s focus on a simple but comic premise allowed the attention of the audience to be concentrated on the protagonist’s actions. His timing and delivery definitely helped in setting the film’s quirky and light-hearted mood. Another thing I liked was the way the film opens. The shots of the apartment full of toilet rolls is interesting, and builds the viewer’s curiosity for what happens next.
However, something I found distracting was the choice of angles. During a lot of the one-shots, the camera is angled too far upwards and leaves a lot of head space. Normally this wouldn’tbe that severe a problem, but because it appeared in the most important dialogue shots over and over again, it started to distract from the storytelling.