Pure Heroine: Synopsis – Part 1

The first part of ‘Pure Heroine’ is a tonal piece, which through the art of cinematography will follow two teenage protagonists as they navigate through their environments exploring themes of loneliness, angst, boredom, nostalgia, dread of the future and the uncertainty surrounding it as well as how these experiences connect you to others. It is a piece inspired by an attempt to visualise the music of Lorde’s album ‘Pure Heroine’ and the following analysis of it by Sophie from the blog ‘One Week, One Band’. Here are short synopses for the different segments of the film.



Ribs depicts a bored teenager alone in her house, looking for stimulation while struggling with simultaneously wanting to remain sheltered indoors in an attempt to slow down time as well as dealing with feelings of loneliness. It also depicts here pointlessly driving around with a friend struggling to remain present in the moment without immediately filing away experiences as distant memories.


Tennis Court Interlude:

A short interlude to depict the suburban environment of the films in a mundane light, which is achieved by the banality of the shots. It also sets up the environment as being one that is completely rid of human existence. Yet despite all these flaws which should inspire these characters to evacuate the suburbs it also speaks of something enchanting which continues draw them back in.


Still Sane:

This portion of the film once again depicts a teenager alone in their environment; however within the segment there is an understanding by the character that the loneliness is necessary in order for them to arrive at the destination they are chasing after. This will be presented by having shots that are purposeful and tight compared to the loose movement that will be featured in Ribs.

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