So the first week of Networked Media is over and it’s time for the blogging to begin, the only question is…. How did it all go? Let me start off by saying that of all the new subjects this semester, Networked Media would have to be the most terrifying of all. Now I don’t necessarily mean this in a negative way, it just seems that from what Adrian said in our first ‘Unlecture’, this course will be a strong departure from the way of learning that we are used to. However, while times of change maybe uneasy they are quite often extremely exciting which is what I’m hoping this experience will be.
Very much like WMT this subject is shrouded in vagueness and many open ended avenues. However, unlike my approach with WMT last semester (which was one of resistance and in turn did not end out to be so fruitful), I really hope I can embrace this more ambiguous form of assessment through the blog and make this subject my own and hopefully revel in the fray of Networked Media, and maybe along the way open my eyes to new methods of learning.
The analogy presented in the reading this week I feel, summed up what the trajectory of this course will be perfectly. While at times this course maybe frustrating and we may get knocked about in our boat, it is up to us to navigate our way through these unfamiliar waters and make the best of our opportunity. Much like how no shore is present in Adrian’s scenario, similarly this subject will not necessarily be outcome based but one which will test and reward our processes and, as cliché as it may sound, our journey.
Anyway that’s enough about this week of Networked Media; I can’t wait to see what’s in store for us next week when we begin the symposium styled ‘unlecture’.