01 Unlecture
Well, it’s been over a week since our first “unlecture”, and I’m giving my thoughts on it today. Could this be construed as being slack and/or lazy? Possibly, but I prefer to think of this blog as a fine wine, or even a good cheese – it just gets better after time. Or, I’m just lazy. I’ll probably go with that. Does cheese get better with age? Is that a thing? Anyway.
The first unlecture was interesting, maybe even revelatory, for a few reasons. Firstly, no blackboard – bit of a departure from the norm. Secondly, the bombshell that future lectures would dispense with the ‘one lecturer lecturing the lecturees’ model, and instead be “symposiums”. Once I looked up the definition of “symposium” (a meeting or conference for discussion of a topic), I was intrigued. Given that I often have questions regarding assessments or topics, these informal discussions are probably a good fit for me.
Also of interest was the idea of the ‘reputation network’. While this is not a new idea to me, I haven’t ever really given much thought to the concept that everything we do online is 100% public. I don’t tend to use social media much, so my online footprint is probably not as worrying as others’, but it’s still something to be careful about.
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