(Rohan’s favourite shot)


After a rigorous  week of editing we were ready to show a rough cut of our video to Rohan. It was so useful to have him go through and list off what worked and what didn’t work well in our cut, with a tone that was both constructive but still quite blunt which is the sort of feedback I really appreciate, much more than feedback that is very polite and dances around the issues instead of addressing them head on.

It was also great to watch with a small audience of people that hadn’t seen it before, especially for our video as it is meant to be comedic so having an audience laugh in certain places was really gratifying.

Probably the best feedback we received besides what shots worked and didn’t was that we did not need to milk laughs out of certain shots that are just purely silly but take away from the overall quality of the music video, with Rohan telling us to have confidence in the narrative and world we had created, which was ludicrous enough as it is without having to force jokes in on top.


“Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.” – Mel Brooks.