In this week’s class we had a look at really simple lighting setups that will greatly help our shoots look a lot more professional. Rohan walked us through setting up the Dedo lights, focusing mainly on the 3 point lighting setup that is used on almost all professional sets. This setup as you see in the picture above involves a key light, back light and fill light, with the main idea to be removing any shadows from a face while also creating a depth to the actors’ face so that they don’t blend into the background.

As our music video will be filmed at night in a house, we will be relying on these lighting setups as well as experimenting with other setups and colour panels to create a unique atmosphere and aesthetic to the video.

I am very much interested in the use of lighting in videos, especially in films that really push the boundaries with how they use lights to make their content unique to them, creating an environment that you wouldn’t see anywhere else.

” Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography.” – George Eastman