To tweet or not to tweet?

I’ve been really thinking about getting a Twitter. I have a sharp wit, grandiose social networking skills and a yearning thirst for pop culture. So am I twitter material?

It’s funny enough that it’s a big decision whether or not I can twitter. I think the main thing stopping myself is the constant fear of rejection… What if nobody follows me??! What if nobody re-tweets me (whatever that is)?? What if I can’t find my tweeteriffic voice and get lost in the bunch of half-assed pop culture references? The funny thing about social networking is that it thrives on an economy of acceptance and affirmation. The whole concept of ‘liking’ something has emerged from a casual thumbs up to what somebody’s doing online (hey, that’s pretty cool!) to a IF I DONT GET THIS MANY LIKES THEN NOBODY LOVES ME AND IM GOING TO FAIL AT EVERYTHING I EVER ATTEMPT FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE 

Which is pretty terrifying. We’ve kind of emerged into creatures that thrive on acceptance (in the form of a button click from your peers); I know I have in some ways. I love when a joke I’ve made gets a lot of likes, it’s definitely confirmation that I’m pretty funny. Or a picture with heaps of likes will make me feel pretty. This is pretty sad, but it’s the way things are these days. There are Facebook famous people who have 300+ likes on their profile pictures, and they’re the envy of so many girls who feel not quite as attractive or accepted as them. But are these people really happy? I know a girl who has a few hundred likes on a particularly revealing profile picture and she’s shown me some of the perverted disgusting messages some random people have sent her and claims it’s not that big a deal that she’s got that many likes. We’ve reverted to being media whores who need to sexualise, publicise or promote ourselves in order to fit in.

So, should I get twitter? Or is that what society wants me to do…………….?

10 Dreams of Technology

Yes I enjoyed this reading, it was reasonably straightforward and very interesting. Here are my notes, I didn’t want to write about all of them because that would be boring, but these ‘dreams’ were the most stand-out to me.

1. Dream of Symbiosis 

I had to Google this, and it means “Interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association, typically to the advantage of both.” which in this context is the interaction between the brain or mind and technology. This is relevant to the iOS7 update I blogged about being Apple trying to make you and the iPhone as inseparable as the iPhone and it’s charger. The consumer is Apple’s biggest product. This article discusses how the interaction between humans and machines is believed in technology and scientific studies to allow each to learn from the interaction with the other, resulting in both evolving to higher levels of functioning. This is crazy i, Robot stuff which we should all start getting used to. We can learn so much from technology and it can learn from us; which is essentially the pinpoint of our technologically obsessed society and culture today.

3. Dream of Immersion

Artists since the invention of that particular art have been yearning to create works that will completely and utterly immerse the viewer. Whether it be a game, painting, audio documentary, song, movie, TV show or book, the point is to bring the audience into the world created and keep them there. Virtual reality is a “technological manifestation of this dream.” Meaning that virtuality is constantly striving to immerse the viewer whichever way it can and create a whole new universe for them to dive in and thrive in.

4. Dream of World Peace

This was an interesting one to me because you never picture the internet leading to the end of wars and destruction. This article states that that’s not the point; evil people will continue to live and destroy and kill and start wars, this is in the nature of the human race. What the internet and technology can do is create open communication channels and shared information throughout the entire globe. The net provided channels of exploration between races, religions and nations who were previously unable, due to geographic location, connect with one another. Creating, writing and sharing images or text or videos with someone on the other side of the globe has no doubt brought the world closer together; we’re not connected by land or bridge, we’re connected by the network.

10. Hacking the dream.

To end the article is the break out of the “Dream of…” rhythm with a somewhat humourous way of reminding us that this is the cold world of technology we’re dealing with. When there’s something to be mastered, there will be masters. And these masters may abuse their power and exploit the possibilities of the vast technologies we all have at hand. Hacking is essentially finding alternative purposes for what may be considered mainstream, so hackers are constantly finding harmful, playful, humorous or darkly powerful ways of manipulating the web and technologies.


The unattended unlecture.

Hello, I was unable to make a lot of posts due to a sudden camping extravaganza which I solved by ScHeDuLinG mY PosTs!! (how dedicated am I!!!)

I was unable to attend the unlecture, however by reading through the questions to be asked on the Networked Media blog and also a few other students takings, I feel I should make a post about how I assumed it would go down and what it was about.

There was a lot of talk about whether or not the internet is ‘democratic’ or not. Reading Abby’s takings (I hope you don’t mind me stalking you, your name is conveniently the most alphabetically blessed out of the whole course), I learned that Adrian thinks that because the net was made by the best of the best and it’s more ‘flat’ than democratic, but Eliot believes it is because there’s universal access.

The whole narrative vs database was a bit tricky for me to understand, but Lauren’s post helped me understand; Databases are not particularly narratives; they’re merely lists. She mentioned Cowbird which was apparently used in the lecture, which is essentially just a list of stories that may contain narratives, but the site and database itself is not one. IS THE INTERNET A GIANT DATABASE? Lauren asked, which is very interesting. It’s more than just a list or things, but it’s not quite a narrative. Is the middle ground simply ~thenetwork?~


The end XoxoOXOXOoxoxoxoXOoxx