Week 3 Media 6 Seminar Series

After attending our first group meeting today regarding the Seminar Series, I feel very confident that our group is going to excel in most if not all aspects of our TV Seminar in week 6. Our team leader/coordinator is Jess Junor, our first hurdle that we overcame today was allocating the various tasks and crew roles for our Seminar in week 6. Attached below is a screenshot of the excel spreadsheet that we linked to our google docs page. Personally, I have always enjoyed working with the technical aspects of film/tv production, such as lighting, audio, graphics and especially camera. My current goal is to work in the tv industry as a cinematographer/D.O.P. so naturally I presented my interests in pursuing Camera Operator as my main crew role for the seminar. Along with Helena Polley and Miguel Camacho I hope to create the perfect camera setup and hence the most efficient yet interesting way to document our guest speakers’ advice. Screen Shot 2015-09-07 at 5.36.26 pm


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