Surely 80/20

The readings were based on the work of network scientist Laszlo Barabasi. He gives vital information regarding loose ties, small world scale free networks, and the power law distribution. So basically, it is the science of networks in human lingo, and the laws (rules) described I think relate all the way from an individual hyper textual work, through to a network like Twitter and Facebook etc, and the Web in general. What I particularly found amazing about Barabasi’s somewhat baffling article, was the point on using Newton’s laws applied to day to day situations and circumstances. For example the way his ‘80/20’ rule a.k.a. “Murphy’s Law of Management” could be used to discern that “80 percent” of the worlds’ goods/services are used by only 20 percent of the poplutation, I think… Either way it was interesting to see something so concrete as the laws of physics being used to discern seemingly random and unsystematic events.

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