A new brief! Yay! Oh wait it’s a group brief…

Today we were assigned groups for our first major group assessment. The brief sees us being given a media topic, which we produce an artifact about whilst “critically engaging” with the research conducted.

I was partnered with Ariff and Dylan, and we were given “audiences”. We started talking about what we thought it meant to be involved with being an audience member, and how the media affects us. I immediately thought back to what I studied in media last year, and thought about the various “audience theories” used to describe the way the media influences audience. We decided we’d touch on something along those lines.

We couldn’t decide on the way we would approach this task, be it by film or something else. We all kind of thought film was the necessary way to go, but didn’t settle on anything due to the fact that Rachel put a “collaborative contract” in front of us to sort out by next week. Essentially this is an agreement contract between everyone in the group. We wanted our group to expect the most out of each other whilst also respecting each other, in belief that it would make doing this task much easier.

We are going to meet before class next Tuesday in order to finish this collaborative contract, before pressing on and trying to settle on something.

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