The Final Blog Post of Media 1

This is my final blog post of the semester. I’ve been asked to provide links to 5 posts which best demonstrate my engagement with the course this semester. The posts I’ve selected in chronological order (top being earliest, bottom being most recent) are as follows:

  1. My First Blog
  2. My Initial Thoughts on Brief 3
  3. Thoughts on Narrative
  4. Remix Culture
  5. Machines taking over?

Here is a picture of the ‘learning graph’ we completed in class last week (mine scanned super weirdly and on multiple attempts I couldn’t get it right):

Scan 2015-6-5 0010

Overall, I feel that I’ve quite enjoyed this course. I didn’t really know what to expect going into it and I find now that I’m really starting to wonder what will be coming next. There hasn’t been as much work per week as I originally thought there would, but that has made things more enjoyable as it was easier to transition to university life.

I think the most valuable thing I learned was how important communication is. From the excellent communication with the teachers, to the great communication in my group project, it really made me realize without the capability to correspond to others, I would really fail in being able to be organized and on point with various tasks. This course also reinforced the prevalence and significance of the media in our lives. The course was almost entirely based online with the exception of classes, and it continues to amaze me how much time has changed. Having talked to my older brother and sisters, they informed me of a tertiary education experience completely different to mine; they had to read physical books lol. Amateurs.

I think the thing I’ve found most challenging about the course was trying to interpret the significance of the academia that the lectures were based around. This is not to say it went over my head, or that I didn’t understand what it was being said. It’s more that I didn’t really understand how it was meant to connect with the things we were doing in our tutorials. It almost felt that the lectures would occur early in the week, and the tutorials would be on a completely unrelated matter. This was quite frustrating, but hopefully these lectures will mean more in context of future studies.

I’ve always been a visual learner and continue to be in this course, which made the content very easily learnable for me as I was visually able to comprehend the concepts that were often being explained. This applies for lectures and tutorials. I also really enjoyed the hands on experience of learning what specific features of cameras do, and how to record sound effectively. I think what it’s taught me about my creative practice is that although I could make good content before, there are many people who can do the same thing, and that if you really want to give yourself the edge, you need to know a lot more about the technicalities of the way the equipment works and how you can get the best out of it.

I feel though that with a network with connections that I have made in the institution that I am more comfortable now going forward that I was previously. Right now, I’m at the best institution for me. The first semester has really verified my decision to choose RMIT at the end of year 12.

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