In the name of collaboration

This morning we met up as a group again in the RMIT editing suites to go over the media we had created yesterday and begin to finalize our project; stringing together what will essentially be the foundations of what we do in our future assignments. This was a little bit of a daunting aspect for all of us, because we all seemed to gel really well working together and were motivated to make this project as quality as it could possibly be.

After much deliberation, we decided that we wanted to treat this assignment as more of a draft, a work in progress if you will. This helped lift a weight off our shoulders in the sense that what we would be focusing on are the core elements of what we wanted to explore in terms of the relationship between space and identity. However, we replaced this weight we had just taken off with the weight of narrowing down our media to the specifications that were previously set. We had over 100 images for example that we were meant to trim to just 12, a task that we probably spent too much time on in retrospect considering we only had two hours in the edit suites.

That said, this just exemplifies why it has been such a pleasure to be collaborating with Georgia and Tim on this: we are all committed to the small details and trying to create something concise and cohesive. Our strengths were often complimenting each other’s weaknesses, and often in discussion of how to navigate things we had perspectives that formed that would likely not have if attempted individually.

We decided that instead of trying to assemble the sound and video together that I would take care of the sound and Georgia the editing of the video. The reasoning behind this, again, was a detail oriented decision on our behalf. We don’t really want our project findings to have been lead by our biases, and are more interested in the interplay between the imagery of the site and the sound of the site which were composed in isolation. I am now heading off over this weekend to create the soundscape for the video and am hoping to have it soon.

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