Although week one was more of an introductory set of classes than delving too deep into its content, the framework (pun not intended) for the course has started to take shape. In our class on Tuesday, Dan very much emphasized that the course is very tailored towards us, and our own interests in the various ways that frame makes sense to us. By the same token, Dan also stressed that what we put in will in fact make up what we get out of it.
We asked to choose 4 aspects of “the frame” that appealed to us. The first thing that I thought of was the significance of depth of field, and the ways in which depth of field works to create a meaningful picture. One of the better examples I can think of is in Live Schreiber’s “Everything is Illuminated”, where in one scene, there are rows and rows of daffodils which surround a house in the distance. Immediately the viewer knows this is a significant scene, but I am at a loss of words to explain why this is. I am hoping I may discover that in this course.
I also chose repetition as well as sound/music. One of my favourite films, Christopher Nolan’s “Memento” uses repetition in a way that essentially structures the film backwards through repetition of flashbacks. In the same way, sound can be used as motifs throughout films. I want to find out why they are so powerful in frame construction. Mise en scene is cool too. Looking forward to discovering how significant moments are composed in single shots.
Overall, this first week has given me enough in the little insight I did get to make me excited for more