Meeting 3 minutes

Due date approaching, it was important we made something out of today.

Ariff couldn’t make it, but Dylan was there and I brought some solid paragraphs to the table. He did too. In this meeting we:

  • Shared paragraphs for sections with each other – I shared my “broadcast era” paragraphs and Dylan showed his “post-broadcast era” paragraphs
  • Reconnected on where we’re at
  • Decided on how the remainder of the work was to be distributed

We really need Ariff to start showing up because I fear he’ll be left behind. We’ve been sending him all we need him to do (this week being to provide paragraphs on the Malaysian media), and I fear that if he doesn’t get that done we will struggle to get something together. Dylan and I have pulled this project back on track after a few blips, and we don’t want it slipping back to where it was before. Here’s hope that Ariff can bring something to our next meeting on Thursday.

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