Initial thoughts on brief 3

So we got the brief for our next project and needless to say, it’s another step up from our last brief. In this, we are to construct another profile, but this time it has to be on someone else, and has to be two minutes. Also we have to include “found footage”. Basically stock footage. Jesus.

I knew as soon as I got this brief who this was going to be on: my brother. I knew this because I could construct a documentary type film almost straight away about his love for music and music production. The only thing I kind of haven’t worked out is how I’m going to integrate stock footage into this production. My initial thought was to use it sparsely in cutaways, but I feel it is going to be very difficult to find cutaway stock footage that is decent enough to kind of fit into this production.

That said, I want to try and keep it simple, yet also complex in the way that it explores my brother’s personality and giving it an accurate portrayal. I feel the authenticity is very important in this brief, like the last two, in order to make sure you not only do the person justice, but also to give everyone an accurate understanding of the person.

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