It was a refreshing start to the class when fellow student Jen Farrow announced that her short film needed talent. With Jen’s courage and tenacity, I’m sure she will have no trouble summoning help from crew and performers!
As much as I would have liked to have heard more about Jen’s project, the first guest speaker was ushered to the stage; Adrian Miles, the personification of a human tornado.
Adrian touched on documentary, ontography, Rene Descartes, theory and practice, speculative realism, how ideas don’t mean squat without action and how only humans tell stories. He then presented a slide with the words ‘dog, bat, snake’, I thought that this was leading to a metaphor or some esoteric proverb but sadly, I never found out what happened to those critters. What I got from Adrian’s lecture was that ‘inbetweeners’ are the button pressers who are a dime a dozen and stories should be thrown out the window.
Short of decanting my scribbles over the soggy streets of Melbourne, I thought I’d take this as an omen maybe… a kind of an axiom, to be prepared to be quickly outdated, adapt accordingly and get ready to be stricken to the bowels of the industry’s pecking order.
Adrian abated to the exit spiraling toward Geelong leaving Liam Ward to present in the path of debris.
Liam reiterated a lot of what Jasmine covered in class like the Koulechov effect, Serge Eisenstein and how society shapes our perception.
All up and with regard to the latter two speakers, they were very passionate and knowledgeable chaps and I hope that I get to hear them speak again but in depth and with fewer time constraints.
The photo above is of an exercise where we were asked to create a narrative on sequence cards and ensure that a story could be formed with any combination.