Studio Production: audiophonic narration experiment

I am keen to explore the detachment of the ‘self’ from an audio artefact through computer automated speech narration with accompanying foley sounds.

My interest with the ‘self’’ came about through studying Cartesian philosophy and the malleability of perceived existence.

The affordances of audio can offer a similar malleability in that, sound’s place in time and space can be far more abstract than a visual form.

My interest in audio stories, is relatively new however, through listening to many audio books and podcasts since falling down the sonic narrative rabbit hole so to speak, it has become a primary pastime and career focus.

My aim in this module of Studio Production, is to merge, explore and experiment with these notions.

With regard to the production method, I would hope that the dialogue and scripting could be as human and naturalistic as possible, and thus when narrated by an automaton, a resulting juxtaposition may evoke new discoveries.

Furthermore, having oral anonymity throughout this piece may also allow for the writing to speak for itself without issues of performance and human emotion heightening the absurd and summoning the uncanny.

This will be quite a full on experiment for me, aside from creating a good foley sound balance, my concern is that people may perceive these naturalistic characters in subsequent productions as illustrations of themselves. And therefore I guess I should be prefacing this with an assurance that this is primarily fake fiction with moments from my past that have been pushed into obscurity but to cut a long story short, should not be taken as literal.

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