Glide cam mayhem

It was great to see so many people wrestle with the glide cam for the first class of week 5! This is a camera mount that mechanically isolates the camera person’s movement, which gives the sense of a steady shot even on an uneven surface.

It was such an underwhelming experiment and nuisance to lug around that I gave it back to AV Loans. It was also frequently knocked out of balance when it was passed around to different operators.

This device was borrowed in the look to adding sexy camera shots to the class chronicles as next week, it is our group’s turn to present the semester thereto.

The chronicles will involve the usual stuff like interviews with the students, attempts to be funny, and just a rushed cluster of media artefacts bound together with digital Scotch tape.

So far, willing participants offered some interesting feedback on the course. However I was surprised to learn that students were less engaged with the readings… ha ha ha, who am I kidding, I wasn’t surprised!

So, what I’ve garnered from this experiment is that the glide cam should only be used for specific projects where there is only one operator.

It was just bloody mayhem!

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