Attached to this post is the first instalment of my dark adaptation Treehorn. It is of the moment when Beecroft, the story’s protagonist, and Harvey, a pivotal character, first meet on the grounds of Hazel’s Estate. This scene is intended to function as the beginning of Beecroft and Harvey’s friendship.
Within this sequence, I have attempted to address issues of mental health, human intimacy and social acceptance all in the backdrop of a lush green garden which, in this world, is a luxury that only the wealthiest can acquire.
What I think works in this piece, is the protagonist’s shift in emotion. He begins with rage and defeat but then concludes his arc with hope. I also find Harvey interesting and can almost envisage his jocular jovial manner, though, he is probably understated in this scene.
This script could be improved further with more set detail. Hazel’s Estate should be opulent and teeming with useless ornamental trinkets that overtly emphasise wealth and social importance. I also feel that the title of this piece should be changed to Beecroft which apparently means ‘bee farm’ in Middle English. I envisaged that our protagonist’s thoughts would sound like a busy beehive — hence the reason for Beecroft’s name.