Semester 2 Has Begun!

Getting straight into the the nuts and bolts of what to expect for the rest of the semester gave me the sense that we should emerge from this leisurely holiday gait and be prepared to hit the ground running.

Our tutor, Kyla Brettle, gave an informative speech on the concept of New Wave Radio, though, being an avid podcast listener, many of the points discussed were not so new to me, however, I had several light-bulb moments relating to the historical topics expressed by Kyla about radio’s progression through the years.

In class, we had the chance to practice our interviewing skills on a Zoom H4 recorder, preparing us for our first assignment. We were asked to buddy up with a fellow class member and interview them about their lives. I got the chance to interview Amy and Jarrod, though, I opted to focus on Amy’s story for the assignment… I didn’t mean to fob Jarrod off but I had already devised an idea for Amy’s self portrait.

Editing The Llamas on Protools

Editing The Llamas on Protools

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