Dream Machines

  Cars and art; the two things that I have loved for as long as I can remember came together in one roaring exhibition entitled Dream Machines!
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Held at The Shepparton Art Museum (SAM), the show celebrated over 100 years of invention displaying ink drawings, dioramas, conceptual sketches and of course the machines themselves!
From dapper hipsters through to family groups, rockabillies to farm workers; folks from all around the country arrived with their finest flannels and killer quiffs to view this amazing union of art and machine.
The revered badge of the GT Falcon

The revered badge of the GT Falcon

From a media point of view, the labelling of these machines extends beyond a badge or a ticket… it is a lifestyle, a culture and a legacy.
For the warm community of Shepparton, it was an event to mark the start of the cooler months. People bathed in the autumn sun, ate burgers and chips in little car shaped containers and bobbed their heads to the dirty rock n’ roll that emanated through, what would normally be a quiet street in a quaint country town.
Dream Machines is currently on display at The Shepparton Art Museum.
Curated by Anna Briers.

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