Due to our initial interview with Jenna being rendered unusable, we decided to film a second interview with her which was conducted on Sunday. This means that we’ve finally finished our filming and can move onto editing. All day today and the next few days will be spent in the edit suites putting together our film, in preparation for the class showcase on Thursday. The majority of our time editing so far has consisted of reviewing all the footage we’ve taken, which has been a meticulous process. In order to be more efficient when we are cutting together the sequence of the film, we have categorised all of the footage under several headings including ‘guys skating’, ‘girls skating’, ‘Jenna interview’ , ‘Patty and Bella interview’ (interview footage was subcategorised under start/middle and end), ‘skate park wide-shots’, ‘establishing shots’, ‘close-up shots’, ‘moving and tracking shots’ and a few extras. We have also created a storyboard to provide a visual representation of our narrative and make the cutting and editing process a lot more time efficient. As a group we are definitely feeling the pressure to create a seamless final cut with such little time left.
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