Week 11.1 – Learning a Lesson

With Week 12 looming in the not so distant future, the pressure to make progress on our film has been mounting. Unfortunately the interview that we shot with Jenna is virtually unusable, as we forgot to put a muffler on the zoom recorder meaning our audio is completely ruined. We filmed her in front of the Riverslide which is in the middle of Alexandra Gardens, where there was no shortage of background noise to drown out the vocals – think traffic, planes, skateboards smacking against the ground etc. The worst part was that the visuals were some of the best footage that we’ve shot so far – the natural lighting was perfect and we got some great spoken content from Jenna. We will try to salvage some of the audio, and aim to include at least some of the visual footage as b-roll. While it’s disappointing that our interview is redundant, it has definitely taught us some valuable lessons. Where possible in the future, we will be sure to use a muffler in the event that we are filming outdoors, and also make use of a lapel mic for even better sound clarity. Preparation is one of the most important parts of making a film, and despite this being something I’ve always known it has become clearer than ever as we progress through our project. I think it’s much more efficient to spend the majority (or at least a significant amount of time) of a project doing the actual planning, which then makes the execution infinitely easier.


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