Demo Reflection Overall I think we did a pretty good first demo with the structure and content. We used a few pre-recorded interviews and artistic pieces from Jack, Kerri and Ed which helped us out a lot to develop a flow for the hour. We were lucky enough to be able to view Ed’s old […]


Film 3 has taught me a lot about the practicality of being a screenwriter and filmmaker. From my original ideas to the content I’ve produced, being practical has taught me that there’s a certain way to learn creativity and it has a lot to do with being active about your ideas. In the process of […]


In class last week Robin showed us a short film which he admired. He spoke about how it’s not about the content of the film or if we liked the story but admiring the work for its techniques and characteristics. This reminded me of the time I went to see the new Mad Max. Being […]

Film Dates

  This is the progression of emails that led me to have such a late filming date. I really did want to start filming at the start of this month but wanted to keep these guys in as my actors because they understood the script and theme of the film.

Organising Cast Members

Using uni students in my film means I have to cater for their timetables as well as mine. It makes it hard to get all the right people in the same place at once which has left my film dates right at the end of the semester. This is something I would’ve liked to avoid […]

Public Spaces

Considering where to film the scene for the small town took a lot of consideration after our presentations with the industry professionals. I thought of Beaumaris concourse because it takes on the aesthetic and general feel of what a small town’s shopping centre would be like. There aren’t too many people around at any given […]

Mastering The Interview

The Office: We spoke about interview styles and techniques in class and as we studied the stylistic techniques of certain interviewers and interviewees my idea of the face to camera interviews I want to feature in my film became solidified. The Office is the perfect example of the tone and effect I want to […]


Dungeree Script 1 Characters: Karen Thomas ‘Kaz’ (Mother) Terry Thomas (Father) Jerry Thomas (Brother) Eddy Thomas (Missing Boy) SCENE 1 Establishing shot of family home loud football tv match can be heard from outside Handheld camera approaches door and hand knocks Kaz can be seen looking through curtains KAZ: (muffled yelling behind door) Shit Terry […]