Week 6
I found this week’s reading a little harder to grasp than previous. From my understanding of what Gardner is talking about, it is essential, in this modern world to understand the function of the five minds; disciplined, synthesizing, creative, respectful and ethical, and to grasp a certain quality from each, or to excel in only one, is what will propel anyone through the modern age.
He takes specific care to mention the importance of the creative mind. The creative mind, in Gardner’s opinion, is the mind that is responsible for moving forward. It creates innovation and new products, policies, functions of human society today. I tend to agree with him as it takes a lot of creativity in this day and age to come up with anything that hasn’t been done before. When you combined this point of view with his notion that anyone that wishes to succeed in the modern age must have a grasp on the scientific method, it makes a lot of sense.
To be creative and innovative today means to be creating above the level of previous generations and it will almost always involved a way forward with technology. His link between technology and science makes it clear that science is necessary for technology to exist and in turn this means that science plays a key role in creativity today. I think this reading is relative to our futures in the sense that we should all be keeping an eye on what science and technology are doing and heading towards because that will either create or remove possibilities for us.