Let Books Be Books

After reading week six’s reading ‘Books Without Pages-Novels Without Endings’ I couldn’t help but feel enraged about the way people approach the art of reading. It may just be my inability to cope with the upcoming and impending technological revolution on what we used to consider reading but I don’t see why we can’t just leave books as what they are; books. I see all around me as people are converting from a simple page to page book to e-readers and iPads. Simply, I hate it. This one quote from the reading “What if you had a book that changed every time you read it? —Michael Joyce (1991)” that is just about the only part of this reading that made sense to me. 1) I can see the value in having a book that changes every time, but in that same sense, where would your favourite story disappear to if it simply vanished after you’ve finished reading. 2) The more you read and re-read certain novels, the more you get out of them. I have a few favourite stories that I go back to time and time again because I know I’m going to enjoy what I get out of them. And that being said, I get something different out of these stories every time. To read a novel once is to almost skim over its value. I find that to read a story twice or three times, you end up with a different perspective on it each time and by the final time, you see a whole different story all together. And I think this is the magic in books; their ability to be different to each reader and to the same reader each time. It makes me sad to see that what was reading, now looks the same as the five year old playing a game on the family iPad when they’re out for dinner. Reading is something that will never fail as a source of entertainment, it’ll be around for as long as we live, but to see it change shape and form to me is to see an ancient art die. The only thing I don’t want to see happen is the day when we’re all reading off our Kindles and iPads and reading an actual text comes back around as some sort of resurrected hipster activity. What makes me even more upset is that, that’s already started happening.