At first I had no idea what I was getting into with Media 4. Having been away from the course for a year I came back to find its structure completely changed but now having read the aims and teaching activities of what is involved with Film 3 I am really happy I was allocated into this strand of classes. From what I’ve read/the questions I’ve asked I’ve gathered that from this class we will learn a variety of different recording/media making skills and develop competency in a wide variety of areas that go into creating short documentary films. This really excites me as learning to individually use all the equipment and understand the methods that go into filmmaking, even if it is only a small production, is one of the reasons I was interested in Media at RMIT in the first place. Documentary really excites me as it is one of my favourite things to watch and gaining the inside perspective into how it is made/created/produced will be a great indicator of where I might like to head in the future.
My goals for this class are to be attentive and gather practical skills across the different means of recording we focus on this semester.I hope to be able to contribute greatly to our short film, both creatively and practically, and I hope that we become more aware of the way the industry works around documentary making. It will be a great learning opportunity to get the feeling of being part of both the production and post production teams; particularly post-production due to my lack of knowledge or skills in the area.
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