FILM TV-1 Week 3


In the reading from Week 3 written by R. Bresson, Notes on the Cinematographer, I found these quotes to be particularly interesting:

1. “A sound must never come to rescue of an image, nor an image to the rescue of a sound”

2. “The eye solicited alone makes the ear impatient, the ear solicited alone makes the eye impatient. Use these impatiences”

– As an avid listener of music, I love discovering new bands and artists to listen to, but often I find myself becoming distracted from what I am listening too because I become aware that I’ve nothing to look at. I agree solely that the ear and eye should not be paired together because one or the other cannot fully do its job. I often find that music videos will distract me from what I am looking for in the song or what I am looking from the artist, and they can often sway my opinion due to their being overwhelming of their being underwhelming. It is through the second quote that I have stated that I find the meaning of this reading to be a message of balance. When both your eyes and ears are accounted for, but one does not support the lack of the other, is when a happy medium is achieved and the possibility of ‘too much’ is reduced. The idea of “using [the] impatiences” works a solid ground rule for creating art of the ears and the eyes as it emphasises and highlights what the subconscious thoughts the audience will be having when they are viewing or listening.