The unlecture talked about a variety of things, but one in particular was the idea of ‘nodes’. We learnt that the internet is made up of nodes, which can be considered ‘small things’ that connect to similar thing. Preferential attachment means…
The BB bonanza
Last week, Big Brother got 932,000 viewers, beating the annual iconic Brownlow medal broadcast. I was one of those 932,000 and i’m not ashamed to admit that. I wouldn’t vote but I do enjoy my daily dose of BB gossip at…
Oh Miley…
What will the Disney star do next after this?!
Open up a beer and you say, “Get over here and play a video game.”- Lana Del Ray
Main takeaway ideas in the week 8 unlecture: Discussion of games, video games Games do not have to tell a story Games as hypertext The keyboard and its layout- has not changed for over 140-50 years Hypertext can come into…
It’s a small world after all
I liked the additional reading this week, the chapter Small Worlds from Barabási, Albert-László. Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means for Business, Science, and Everyday Life. I found the diagram above interesting. The author relates…
Continuous Networks?
Networks as discussed in class are: – Individual parts interact with each other – Assumptions from collective behaviours – Ubiquitous – Complex – Clusters – Changing – Broader societal concerns Discussion question: What do you understand by Watts’ claim that…
I downloaded the ios 7 software today for my iPhone. It’s a pretty big leap from the past updates- new fonts, colours, displays and wait for it…a DIFFERENT default ringtone to the infamous ‘do do do dodo do do do’ (which…
The World Is Your Oyster
That could be Oyster’s motto- or ‘We are your Oyster’ implying that the possibilites are endless with Oyster, the new books service as discussed by Adrian and others. It basically works by users downloading the iphone application and paying $9.95…
Splot is my term for the confusion and often merging of plot and story. Plot is the sequence of the narrative, where story is the sequence of the actual events happenings. I did a little bit of work on this…
Something I took out of week 6’s unlecture is about hypertext and the way in which it tells a story through different media forms. Jasmine believed that you have to view things in a sequence from start to end in…