Has writing improved or worsened with technology?
There are options to weigh up for this, which I decided should be battled off against in a table format below: Pro technology Pro paper – Technology enables writers to quickly look up more information to use in writing…
Could hypertext be a substitute for referencing?
This is a question posed by one of the Thursday Networked Media tutorials. I think that if in the future if we no longer have to submit hard-copies of essays, we should most certainly be able to use hypertext to…

Summer in August
A normal concept for our friends up in the Northern Hemisphere, but many of us Southerners feel the cold in August. But not here in Melbourne! There are still people skiing up at Buller, yet its ranging between 22-28 degrees…
The Neverending Story
This week I read an extract of Douglas’ The End of Books – Or Books Without End . The component I read was mostly about interactive narratives, such as hypertext fiction. Hypertext fiction is a new concept to me; I vaguely…
We are the web
Michael Wesch’s video: is a really interesting take on the web and its origins and how the web, hypertext and digital text has evolved. Interesting ideas I took from it were: Each time we forge a link we teach…

Speculating about speculation
Adrian’s post about design fiction questions helped consolidate my understanding of design fiction. It made me realise, I am a huge speculator. I often ponder (or should I say, speculate) about the future, especially in terms of design fiction. I have thought…
Tinder Loving Care
No, that’s not a typo. Tinder is the new dating app that has taken off, providing TLC to those everywhere experiencing the man/woman/partner/romance drought that is the 21st century. I was skeptical at first- a dating app? Aren’t there loads…

A real essay
I found Graham’s article ‘The Age of the Essay’ to be relatively spot on. I loved English in high school, however I was always curious as to why we devoted majority of our English lessons to deciphering Shakespeare’s disheveled language and…
My takeaway idea…from Memphis’ takeaway idea
Memphis‘ takeaway idea to Bush’s week 4 reading was that the article reaffirmed to her the importance of technology and education. Memphis didn’t just read the article, she related it to the course which I believe is a great skill….