We are the web
Michael Wesch’s video: is a really interesting take on the web and its origins and how the web, hypertext and digital text has evolved. Interesting ideas I took from it were: Each time we forge a link we teach…
Speculating about speculation
Adrian’s post about design fiction questions helped consolidate my understanding of design fiction. It made me realise, I am a huge speculator. I often ponder (or should I say, speculate) about the future, especially in terms of design fiction. I have thought…
Tinder Loving Care
No, that’s not a typo. Tinder is the new dating app that has taken off, providing TLC to those everywhere experiencing the man/woman/partner/romance drought that is the 21st century. I was skeptical at first- a dating app? Aren’t there loads…
A real essay
I found Graham’s article ‘The Age of the Essay’ to be relatively spot on. I loved English in high school, however I was always curious as to why we devoted majority of our English lessons to deciphering Shakespeare’s disheveled language and…