The final unlecture looked at concepts from week 12/11 and also served as a reflection of the course. Some points I liked or found interesting: What does it mean to be a journalist in this day and age where anyone…
This video is meant to be a mockery of a form of networked media we like to call ‘Facebook‘. Yet it really isn’t a mockery, it is actually a very accurate depiction of society at present (with the exception of…

In Dietz’s article, Ten Dreams of Technology, an interesting idea was how he believed digital technology and people will merge and blur as innovations and techincal advancements are made. This reminds me of many conversations in this day and age:…
Thought this was a good little dig at the #hashtagphenomenon #lol
This week’s unlecture main notes: – Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web – Gift economy; freely giving information without expecting something in return- the internet and blogging and putting information out there with no expectation of a thankyou or…
On Actor Network Theory- A Few Clarifications was this week’s reading by Bruno Latour. Some of my takeaway ideas were: – The Actor Network Theory is widely misunderstood/misinterpreted – Actor means ‘literally anything provided it is granted to be the source…

And by era, I mean uni life. For me. For now. It’s been a great 3 years, I’ve loved RMIT and wouldn’t do another degree if I had my time over. Which is actually a big achievement it seems,…
This week’s reading by Manovich was a bit convoluted in my opinion, but I found the defining of narrative relative to my learning so far in the course. As a cultural form, database represents the world as a list of…