
Week 6 Tutorial Reflection

Week 6 Tutorial Reflection

Todays lectorial involved testing out two pieces of equipment:

The Sony HXR-MC50e

Sony camera


And the Zoom H2n

Zoom H2n

Firstly, the activity with the Sony camera, involved us taking 3 different shots of the same situation, a handshake between two people. Firstly a still shot, secondly a shot involving some type of movement (A pan, track, tilt, zoom) and finally a handheld “shakey cam” shot.

Shot 1: Still Image

With this shot I was simply trying to catch the action, but with an over the shoulder shot communicating that it is Ella’s point of view being presented in the narrative

Shot 2: Pan

With this shot I attempted to track Ella (albeit in a clumsy and delayed fashion) to once again demonstrate it was her point of view being presented, I then tiled towards the sky to communicate that it was the end of the scene, and that time was then passing.

Shot 3: Handheld 

With this shot, I employed the use of shaking the camera to create intensity and tension in what was occurring on screen. It made what was originally a handshake, into something a lot more intense and important.

Microphone activity

With the Zoom H2n microphone, we were asked to record a number of situations. Attached below is a recording of a hallway, though we attempted to record silence, the omnipresent hum of electronics and constant outside chatter and opening and closing of doors can clearly be heard. This allowed me to realize I need to be more cautious when using external microphones such as this one in the future, to avoid picking up similar background noise in a serious situation.

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