Experiment 6 – no dialogue, no sound, with a side on shot

My goal for experiment 6 was to create a sound that was completely bare, I would be using no dialogue, no added non-diegetic or diegetic sound, and have no cuts, only using a side-on-shot. I would then be measuring the emotional intensity, seeing how the absence of elements makes the scene feel.

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I began by choosing a side on shot, where I filmed the scene without dialogue. It was immediately clear that the clip needed some desperate colour grading. Once again, like most of the shots from the Friday 2/10 shoot, the addition of a lighting reflector had saturated the frame, and unfortunately the subjects, in a strange golden hue.

I pasted the attributes from the previous time I had used the side on shot.

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I was happy to see that this was much more effective. Because of the effect of the golden hue being at the base of the clips information, the colour graded versions of these shots give the whole shot a strangely nostalgic tone and feel. I’m no artist, and I can’t explain it, but I do feel like it increases the emotional intensity of the shots when I use it.

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That was literally it, I was finished. I had kept the shot as simple as possible, and now it was time to export and see how it had impacted on the emotion of the scene.

The clip is linked below:

Looking at the finished clip, there are two things I’m not really happy with. The first is that the colour grading still gives Matt and Max this strange “blown out” effect that I’m not really happy with. Secondly, it just comes off as far too awkward. Considering the emotion I was hoping to work with was “sadness”, this isn’t really what I’m looking for. Unless you count awkwardness as an emotion, there really is no emotion involved in the scene at all. Perhaps it is because I’m not good at directing actors, but their just feels like their is no emotion to the scene. Everything is timed awkwardly, and just doesn’t work. I guess I can say I’ve manipulated the emotional intensity of the scene however, but more that I’ve just manipulated the emotion to be non-existent.

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