Experiment 2 – working with dialogue and diegetic sound

For my second experiment, I would be filming and processing a side on shot, using diegetic sound that I played through the car during filming. My main goal of this experiment was to see not only if the emotional intensity was changed for me as a viewer, but also if I could see it influencing the way Matt and Max acted in front of the camera.

I began my locating the side-on dialogue shot fr0m clip 189_0439 without music that I had previously colour corrected, in order to copy and paste those attributes into the corresponding shot 0f 189_0440, which had the same dialogue with diegetic music being played through the car.

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This was effective in creating an entirely new shot, with colour fixed up in a mere matter of seconds. This is not only one of the advantages of Premiere’s quick shortcuts, but also my decisions to film all different music and dialogue combinations on the one shot all at once, nothing was moved and it has allowed for fast colour correction in the editing suites.

Now, in order to accurately compare what I had created, I added in the corresponding shot from clip 189_439 without music, so that I could easily compare the two without changing the music. Considering they both already shared the same colour attributes, this was an easy process.

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Considering my entire experiment was dedicated to what I could capture in physical production, It was now time to export the clip, and reflect on the emotional resonance that it was able to achieve.

The clip is linked below:

Looking back on it, I don’t think the diegetic music has made much difference at all. The actors do pause a little more, which allows the scene to be more drawn out and emotional, and I do this in terms of the musics power, it does feel more emotional than the scene simply being by itself.

I’m glad I matched 189_0440 and 189_0439 together, as it has allowed me to quickly see the emotional difference between the two is quite minimal. Considering my primary goal of having diegetic music playing during filming was to definitively influence the actors actions, I have deliberated that this has not been as influential as I hoped it would be.



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