Week 7 Tutorial Reflection

Monday’s tutorial primarily involved the screenings of our Project Brief 3 assignments, all of which were of a really high standard that has certainly given me a lot to consider for future work. To recap, the assignment involved creating a 2 minute “portrait”, of a friend or family member, using a certain ration of found footage that creatively reflected who the person was. I loved everyones project briefs, however, I will discuss my favourite elements of the 3 that particularly grabbed my attention.

Matthew M.

Matthew’s portrait was not only well shot and well edited, it was also really funny in a way that perfectly encapsulated his grandma that he was focusing the assignment on. Her story was edited to the point where it was engaging, and the way she told it, as well as the found footage he used, allowed her identity to be reflected in a really creative and clear way.

This has inspired me to consider employing a bit more humour into these sort of assignments into the future. It has made me consider a comedy narrative short film for our project brief 4.

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Bliss D. 

Once again Bliss has made an awesome project, I particularly loved the way she differentiated herself using the video game style. It was engaging, zany and exceptionally well made and it’s made me really look forward to the sort of stuff she is going to deliver in the future. I would not think that using filters over interviews would have worked, yet the way she did it was very clean and stylish, and has made me consider using more color correction for future projects.

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Liam M. 

Like Bliss, Liam differentiated himself from the rest of the group by creating a first person “mind control” scenario for his project brief. It was hilarious and well-edited, as well as being successful in it’s attempt to create a storyline for the project brief. Liam dared to try something different and I would be lying if I said it hadn’t inspired me to try something different in the future.

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On another note, the lectorial also involved us being handed out our Project Brief 4 group assignments. Whilst I’m nervous about collaborating, the lack of constraints on this project (it simply has to be about “technology”) has made me really look forward to working through such an open list of possibilities.

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