Project Brief 2 – Self Portrait: Who Is Corey Lisle?

Here is our project brief 2, a self portrait in the form of an edited sequence that reflected our identity. There were a number of constraints, namely, it must include 2 videos, 3 photos, a piece of text and 3 sound clips, no found footage, and cannot exceed one minute in length. A 350 word reflection detailing some of the choices is below the embedded video, otherwise check this previous “progress” blog post for some information on why I chose the various artifacts.

And here is the final sequence, be sure to watch in HD:

Corey Lisle Project Brief 2 Written Reflection

I am frequently told that I have a strange and different way of seeing the world by my friends and family, and I have attempted to exacerbate this through the use of amber tinting through Photoshop on a photo of me wearing a beard and classes created out of Lego, the building toy, which creates an unrealistic look to what is being shown in the frame. When I then accompany this with an audio recording of myself nonchalantly convincing my friend of a casting rumor for a film, which is entirely untrue, the quirkiness of my interpretation of the world is further represented.

As the text details my football childhood and how it has influenced me, two photos of my old football oval are shown, as well as an accompanying sound recording of my football training from this year. In following this with a video of a conversation with my girlfriend as to my doubts of my own abilities, my self-doubt of my abilities including my constant doubt of my football skills throughout my childhood is reflected.

The combination of the cinema photo, recording and succeeding video demonstrates my passion for film. I then finish the self portrait with a video of myself then discussing a film with my friend as well as the text succeeding it, due to the way it encapsulates all three aspects of my life that have been previously detailed. The “Mein Kampf” analogy demonstrates my strange way of seeing the world, the context of the conversation and background show my passion and love for cinema, and finally the cynical and informal text following this reflects my self-doubt and underconfidence in my own abilities.

I think clearly the least effective part of my project brief was the final video, despite my belief that it reflects my love of cinema to the audience, it is something that undoubtedly needs more explanation of my constant weird perspectives for the audience to understand. In contrast, I believe the use of sound recordings is effective at clearly representing the different aspects of my personality to the audience without explanation.

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