Today’s workshop primarily consisted of working on our project brief 2. Similar to project brief 1, it is a “self-portrait”, part of which involves taking at least 3 photos which reflect our identity.
Here are 4 photos which I’m planning on using so far, I don’t want to spoil too much, but I’ll provide some context on why I am drawn to using these photos in particular.
It’s obvious that this photo is lesser in quality compared to the others (it was taken with a Galaxy Note 3, as opposed to a Canon 7D). However, I love it not only because of the classic cinema colour and the leading lines, but also because it quite accurately depicts not only that I am a cinema employee (something which has become a significant part of my life), but also my love for cinema and the memories and experiences that go along with it.
Whilst skill was never something I had an abundance of when it came to football, I did still love it. Coming from a football background it was always a big part of my childhood. My only complaint is that the photo looks very unprofessional and tacky, even when compared to my usual average pictures.
The fact that I’m wearing a lego hipster beard here not only demonstrates my weirdness, but also my childhood love for lego as a building tool (‘tool’ not ‘toy’). I loved and built with lego up until I was around 14, where I stopped after my fear of others judgement was becoming too much, so I guess you could say this reflects my awareness of others expectations and judgement as well.
Similar to the oval picture, this one reflects football as part of my childhood. However, the addition of a blank scoreboard adds a nice dark reflection on the unlikelihood of me ever being able to put some significant points on the board. I am a little hesitant here though, due to the sun being so overpowering to the point where it stops being artistic and starts being distracting.